Tiny Baby Kitten to Motivate You [adorable e-card]

photo by IndianRain

Weakness is a state of mind. Never look back, but to learn from your own mistakes. Never look far ahead, than to get motivational dreams. Love the present, care and smile. Make a difference.

Cute Kitten with Flowers [beautiful photo]

photo by maxlerrow5

Life is about colors, about seeing them. A lot of animals see things only in black and white, by nature, but instinctively they find a way to rainbow-up everything, even our lives 🙂 And all they want is a little affection…

14 Stunning Big Cats Eyes

Hi there and welcome to another stunning collection on FT.
Even if some animals are not as adorable and fluffy as a kitten, I thought that wildlife has a tremendous role in Earth’s life, so I decided to give it its honorable place, right here, among the most beloved animals. This is a relatively short post about big cats eyes’. It is said that the eyes are a mirror to the one’s soul… Can you read the free spirit in the following eyes…?
Enjoy. 🙂


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