Dog Saves Master from the Fire and Burns Inside [touching video]

So who is your best friend…? Cherish your pets, cherish them as much as possible. A tragic and sad story that for sure the man in debate will never forget, as he will for ever remember his dog who saved his life, paying the price of his own.

The Last Test: Huge Dogs and a Kitty [daring picture]

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.

A wise quote someone shared with me…illustrated above 🙂

Cute Ferret in Dead Sleep – amazing video

“He’s dead, he’s dead!!!” Sometimes ferrets sleep so soundly that they seem to be dead. You can pick them up, shake them, pinch their toes, or thump them on the chest, and they hang from your hand as limp as rags, with their eyes closed. About the time you have run to the car on the way to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic, the ferret sleepily opens its eyes and looks innocently around, wondering what is going on.
source pet edication